


The  NaviSuite software covers all aspects of marine surveying, from integrated navigation and data acquisition through post-processing and final charting. The standard software packages comprise:
Navigation and positioning
NaviPac is the NaviSuite workhorse. It provides navigation information and positioning calculations in support of any offshore task. Features include:
? Support of all equipment on the market
? Navigation display with overlays
? 2D and 3D display
? Multivessel, multiobject operation
? Survey planning
? Sensor instrument recording
? Sensor validation (Kalman filtering)
? Real-time survey quality control
? High-precision time tagging
Sonar data acquisition
NaviScan acquires data from all major pipe/cable trackers and sonars on the market, including multibeam echo sounders, scanning and profiling sonars and conventional side-scan
sonars. Features include:
? Side-scan and multibeam acquisition
? Real-time sensor monitoring
? Sensor-compensated real-time DTM
? Sonar coverage display
? Sonar waterfall display
? 2D and 3D real-time display
Survey data editing
NaviEdit allows for editing of overall survey settings, raw sensor data and geodetic settings. Features include:
? Project file management
? Editing of overall survey parameters
? Graphical tools for sensor data editing
? Automatic despiking, advanced spline and Kalman filters, etc
? Manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic editing
? Batch processing
? Processing of third-party data
4D modelling and visualization
NaviModel offers high-performance digital terrain models in 2D, 3D and 4D. The software features high-tech tools for model analysis and manipulations. Features include:
? 3D object integration
? Unlimited model sizes
? Inspection and eventing
? Automatic cleaning (S-CAN)
? Analysis and calculation tools (volume/area, cross/length profile, etc.)
? Video and GIS integration
? Point cloud stitching
Chart production
NaviPlot allows for easy and professional layout of survey data on paper charts, increasing speed of chart production, including series production of alignment-based charts. Features include:
? KP alignment sheets
? Survey report layout
? Multipage report generation
? Legends and annotations
? AutoCAD integration


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